Pebble Tossers Board of Directors welcomes Kris Manning and Dara Redler

Pebble Tossers Board of Directors welcomes Kris Manning and Dara Redler
The 2022 board is focused on expanding offerings, diversifying its community base and helping youth develop leadership skills.

(Atlanta, GA, February 3, 2022)…Pebble Tossers, Atlanta’s leading youth development nonprofit organization, is pleased to welcome two new board members, Kris Manning, Retired Teacher and Orton Gillingham Tutor, and Dara Redler, Chief Legal Officer, H&R Block.

“Our board is committed to expanding Pebble Tossers’ reach and influence throughout the community,” said Kelly Weber, Pebble Tossers Board President. “The experience and knowledge Kris and Dara bring to the board and our team will help us meet our goals.”

Along with the existing members, the new board members will work to guide Pebble Tossers as it engages in new projects, developments, and partnerships that serve the mission of empowering and equipping youth to lead through service.

Kris Manning, Retired Teacher, Orton Gillingham Tutor

After teaching 13 years in public school, Kris became a certified Orton Gillingham tutor. She currently works with students who struggle with reading, writing and comprehension. Kris and her wife, Melinda, have been married for 28 years and have a 12-year-old son.“I am humbled and excited to join the Board of Pebble Tossers, said Kris. “After experiencing the events of the past couple of years, I am yearning to find deeper connections and to push myself in new ways. I hope to gain more compassion and understanding by making an impact in the lives of others.”Kris’s most memorable service memories are from organizing two different school fundraisers. They provided her with immense satisfaction as they were both were wildly successful, fun, and positively rallied the local community. 


Dara Redler, Chief Legal Officer, H&R Block

Recently named Chief Legal Officer for H&R Block, Dara holds a Juris Doctor from Duke University School of Law and two bachelor’s degrees from The University of Pennsylvania, one in Marketing from the Wharton School, and one in global studies from the College of Arts & Sciences. Dara and her husband, Dan, have three sons.“I am excited to join Pebble Tossers’ Board of Directors and help continue building on the ripples of doing good for the community,” said Dara.Dara’s most memorable service opportunity comes from annually serving with her family to lead a clean-up of the Chattahoochee River during the International Coastal Cleanup through the Ocean Conservancy. She loved working together as a family to pull out tons of trash and was inspired by how much of an impact could be had in just one day.


2022 Board of Directors, Pebble Tossers

Kelly Weber, Board President OneDigital
Brandy Brock, Board Vice President Google Cloud Business Solutions
Brian Sengson, Board Treasurer Bennett Thrasher
Neal Chatigny, Board Secretary WebMD
Matt Carr Amazon Web Services
Aaron Dixon Alston & Bird
Heather Housley Bank of America-Merrill Lynch
Kris Manning Retired Teacher/Orton Gillingham Tutor
Elizabeth Rasberry ABB
Dana Redler H&R Block
Asher Royal Davita Kidney Care
Rebecca Sandberg, Past President Management Consultant

About Pebble Tossers
Pebble Tossers is the premier local youth service organization focused on providing families with a comprehensive path to youth development through service to others, from preschool to graduation. Customized programming empowers youth to lead by providing them with resources and age-appropriate service opportunities. With Pebble Tossers, volunteers sign up, show up, and serve to create a ripple of giving in their community.

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“A Day On, Not A Day Off”

What exactly is “a day on, not a day off?” Unlike other national holidays, Martin Luther King Day was established to honor Dr. King and his service and commitment to the improvement of our nation.

Naturally, here at Pebble Tossers we embrace this commitment and like to think that every day is a potential day for service and to support our community. It’s a key aspect of our teen leadership program initiative: serve. lead. succeed.

While currently in our second year of our Teen Leadership Program, our first-year alums shared with us what they learned about leadership from the program’s speakers and service projects.

“A leader is someone who makes a change by being different. They have to be confident enough to stand out and stand up.” – Nupur D.

“In the past, I always thought of leaders as being more dictatorial which is why I often shied away from that role. Being a part of the TLP showed me that I can be a leader while still listening to others and uplifting the voices of my teammates.” – Ainsley M.

A key element of leadership is to build up those that work with you to achieve your goals. Our mission at Pebble Tossers is to empower and equip youth to lead through service and we believe it is making a difference.

Thank you for serving on this national holiday in honor of Dr. King and his mission and throughout the year to support and build our community.

Our cause area for the month is Citizenship + Social Justice. To learn more about it and service opportunities surrounding its focus, please click here.

Here are a few resources on the MLK Jr. Holiday:

The King Center History of Martin Luther King Jr. Day King Institute TIME Magazine: Man of the Year

A look at the origins of GivingTuesday

The countdown to the world’s most significant day of generosity is upon us as GivingTuesday falls on Tuesday, November 30th this year. If you’re not familiar with the origins of GivingTuesday, here’s a breakdown. It is, at its core, a global generosity movement unleashing the power of radical generosity. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Since then, it has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. 1

On GivingTuesday, nonprofits receive a tremendous amount of attention which translates into record fundraising events. When we review 2018 – 2020, the day resulted in tremendous results and increases. In 2018, $400 million was raised in total for Giving Tuesday, a new record. Then, in 2019, 511 million was raised which when compared to the previous year, was a 28% increase. In the year 2020, an astonishing $2.47 billion was donated to U.S nonprofit organizations by a reported 34.8 million people on Giving Tuesday.2 The National Today data science team surveyed 1,000 people about their Giving Tuesday habits and found that 25% of Americans plan on participating in Giving Tuesday.

Your donations can make all the difference for nonprofits, especially smaller ones. For instance, when you donate to Pebble Tossers, it is used to support our mission of empowering and equipping youth to serve through leadership. The first step in that initiative is to create meaningful, safe, service projects for members of all ages. In doing so, Pebble Tossers provides all the materials and supplies needed for projects, including snacks and refreshments for our volunteers and those we serve. Additionally, Pebble Tossers provides trained staff resources, and timely and relevant information and logistics for each project so volunteers know what to expect before they arrive (preparing for the service project, parking instructions, clothing attire, and more).

Beyond the day-of-volunteer experience, Pebble Tossers offers members a personalized dashboard to track volunteer hours and favorite service projects and provides printed transcripts of volunteer service. Pebble Tossers also offers youth leadership and character development workshops, as well as “Toolbox Resources” for youth and families, including “Table Talk” and “How-To” sheets for families to discuss and process together issues such as serving those experiencing homelessness or working with the elderly.

Pebble Tossers empowers our youth through service thus leaving them with a sense of community awareness and learned responsibility that they can make the world a better place. We also provide hands-on opportunities for learning that build confidence, teach collaborative efforts, and develop the initiative. Giving youth opportunities to lead at an early age provides safe opportunities to make mistakes and learn from them.

To donate on this GivingTuesday, please click here.

1 Giving Tuesday
2 National Today

November Cause Area: How to Help Curb Hunger in Our Community

Did you know that Georgia has the 10th highest food insecurity rate in the county and that 1 in 5 children struggle with hunger?1 For most of us, hunger can be solved by a trip to the kitchen. Mealtimes often revolve around planned ingredients, thoughtfully purchased during weekly grocery runs, or include impromptu restaurant visits. But for many Atlantans, food is an expense that has to take a backseat to more pressing needs. For these individuals and families, there isn’t regular access to adequate or affordable food—it’s a chronic problem known as food insecurity.2

“A household is food insecure when they’re unsure about where their next meal is coming from,” said Jon West, VP of Programs at the Atlanta Community Food Bank. “This may be due to a lack of resources—money, a place to buy food or transportation to get there.”3

Food insecurity does not just affect children and families in the city but it also affects individuals living in rural areas. People who live in rural Georgia face hunger at higher rates, in part because of the unique challenges living remotely presents. These challenges include an increased likelihood of food deserts with the nearest food pantry or food bank potentially hours away, job opportunities that are more concentrated in low-wage industries, and higher rates of unemployment and underemployment.4

Our partners at HOPE Atlanta, the Atlanta Mission, Open Hand Atlanta, and the Atlanta Community Food Bank are working hard to thwart those statistics and we’re glad we can help by hosting a variety of service projects for our members including food drives, serving as delivery drivers, helping pack and sort food donations, making sandwiches, preparing a meal for a youth shelter, and more. Our current service calendar has 10 projects for this cause area with nearly 100 project dates and times available to members.

Data has shown that in the state of Georgia more than a million children in Georgia do not have consistent access to enough nutritious food. This can have long-term effects on their health and future. Kids who are food insecure are more likely to be held back a grade in elementary school, more than likely to be sick and hospitalized and more likely to have growth and developmental issues.5

Here are a few highlighted upcoming projects for Pebble Tossers members:

Thanksgiving Meal Boxes
InCommunity needs volunteers on Wednesday, November 17th to sort and fill Thanksgiving Meal Boxes for its 43 group homes. The items donated at our food drive on November 6th will be used to fill these boxes. InCommunity provides opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities to participate in meaningful activities within their communities. All volunteers must be at least 8 years old.

S’mores with SafeHouse Outreach
This will be our 9th year providing the S’mores for the Chili Outreach. Pebble Tossers volunteers will make and serve the S’mores and help with the entire event. All supplies are provided and we will be serving and visiting with the community from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, November 27th. This is a great way to extend your Thanksgiving and is a wonderful family project.

Thanksgiving Love Feeds on November 19th
Love Beyond Walls focuses on raising awareness of the realities and needs of those experiencing lack and vulnerability and using that vehicle as a way of mobilizing people to take part in those stories. Love Beyond Walls is preparing for the Thanksgiving Love Feeds – they will be collecting the following items: turkeys, boxes of cornbread, boxes of mac & cheese, boxes of stuffing, boxes of desserts, and drinks. If you would like to donate any of the items listed below, please click here to sign up with Love Beyond Walls for a time to drop them off at their office

1 HOPE Atlanta
2 Southface
3 Southface
4 Georgia Food Bank Association
5 Georgia Food Bank Association

October Cause Area: Working with Animals and Wildlife is a Mutually Beneficial Experience

Volunteering with animals is one of the most enjoyable forms of service. Kids love interacting with animals and animals thrive off of their high energy levels. It empowers and inspires individuals to influence their community in a positive way. The experience helps volunteers, especially young individuals, develop empathy and patience. Helping animals in turn gives back to the community as they are able to become stress relief and service animals to interact with individuals in need. Interacting with friendly, well-socialized animals helps reduce cortisol levels, thus reducing stress. In addition, it increases the release of oxytocin which is another chemical that helps reduce stress in both the body and mind. Studies have also demonstrated that interacting with service animals helps calm aggression and hyperactivity in troubled children. source:newportacademy. This is why working with animals as well as animal-assisted therapy is so important. 

Though there are many benefits to positive interactions with animals and wildlife, unfortunately, many individuals abuse this privilege. Annually in Georgia, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals receives 150, 000 reports of animal cruelty annually, out of which only 1500 cases are sent to the courts for further consideration ( Not only is animal abuse a serious problem in Georgia and America as a whole, but it also has much more serious implications. According to the humane society, researchers found that pet abuse had occurred in 88 percent of the families under supervision for physical abuse of their children. Therefore, it is important to look out for signs of animal abuse and alert the correct authorities who will take it seriously as it could save a child’s life. W-Underdogs is a local animal advocacy organization that works with the City of Atlanta police department. They train the department to recognize and investigate signs of animal abuse that may otherwise be overlooked. 

With a majority of staff and volunteers being pet owners, Pebble Tossers strives to advocate for animals and wildlife not only during the month of October but year-round. Below is a multitude of avenues and organizations that are dedicated to serving animals and wildlife in need:

How We Can Help: Animals in temporary living need clean towels, newspapers, and proper food to eat and prosper. Ultimately, they need permanent homes full of love and protection. We can serve to make their temporary living more enjoyable, and better set them up for a permanent loving home. 

Action Steps: 

  • Always check Pebble Tossers’ service calendar for updated volunteer opportunities!
  • Wash towels for animal shelters.
  • Provide newspapers and other necessities to shelters in need.
  • Spend an afternoon playing with unsheltered and sheltered animals.
  • Many shelters allow kids to practice reading and other language skills by sitting outside of kennels and reading to attentive animals. The calming voice is helpful to the animal and builds the child’s confidence.

Highlighted Organizations: 

  • Zoo Atlanta: Boo at the ZooPebble Tossers has been participating for over 6 years. Volunteers dress up and are assigned to a certain animal exhibit. They give out candy and inform visiting families about said animals. Boo at the Zoo starts in late October. More information can be found at
  • Georgia House Rabbit Society: This organization takes in rabbits from foster families, individuals who can no longer care for them, and those that need socialization. Calm, young volunteers are able to help socialize and interact with some of the rabbits. Learn more at Georgia House Rabbit Society 
  • Furkids: Furkids operates the largest cage-free, no-kill shelter for cats in the Southeast and Sadie’s Place, a no-kill shelter for rescued dogs. Representatives from Furkids bring puppies to assisted living centers. A program we participate with them on is Pet Therapy with the elders at A.G. Rhodes. Our volunteers invite residents to come down and play with the puppies. This experience is great for both younger volunteers and seniors; it elicits positive conversations, brings joy and fulfillment, and keeps seniors young. Learn more at Furkids.
  • Lifeline Animal Project: LifeLine Animal Project is the largest animal welfare organization in Georgia. We work with LifeLine on a variety or projects as well as supporting their efforts to provide accessible pet care and end pet homelessness. Learn more at LifeLine Animal Project.

Metro Atlanta Teens selected for 2021-22 Teen Leadership Program

Pebble Tossers congratulates 32 teenagers selected for its 2021-22 Teen Leadership Program

(Atlanta, GA, September 27, 2021)…Pebble Tossers, Atlanta’s leading youth development nonprofit, has kicked off the 2nd year of its Teen Leadership Program (TLP). In line with the Pebble Tossers mission to empower and equip youth to lead through service, the program provides opportunities for service-minded teens to cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their impact on their community and the world. 

The Teens

  • 32 students 
  • 22 Metro Atlanta high schools 
  • Twelve (12) freshmen, eleven (11) sophomores, five (5) juniors, and four (4) seniors
  • Who are they?
    • Musicians, Artists, Athletes, Cooks, Philanthropists, Girl Scouts, Eagle Scouts, and more!
  • What do they believe in?
    • Supporting their friends during times of need;
    • Caring about mental health;
    • Making a difference in their community;
    • Being willing to make a change;
    • Feeling good about themselves and their actions.

This exceptional group of young people will work with the Pebble Tossers’ leadership team to improve their personal and practical life skills such as self-awareness, self-management, growth mindset, social awareness, healthy relationship skills, and responsible decision-making skills. The program’s scheduled activities cover the ways these skills apply within the three tenets of the program: Serve, Lead, Succeed. 

“A leader is someone who makes a change by being different. They have to be confident enough to stand up and stand out,” said Nupur D., a 2020-21 TLP Member.

The nine-month program includes monthly meetings, special guest speakers, and a service project that participants will create and implement as a group. The TLP supplements valuable experiences in the lives of these passionate young people and builds the sense of self-esteem and self-efficacy that our world needs in the leaders of tomorrow. 

“I am inspired. The applications submitted by these teens reflect how much good there is in our community,” said Jennifer Guynn, Founder + Executive Director, Pebble Tossers. “These teens are well on their way to being successful leaders.”

Teen Leadership Program Information



About Pebble Tossers
Pebble Tossers is the premier local youth service organization focused on providing families with a comprehensive path to youth development through service to others, from preschool to graduation. Customized programming empowers youth to lead by providing them with resources and age-appropriate service opportunities. With Pebble Tossers, volunteers sign up, show up, and serve to create a ripple of giving in their community.


Teen Leadership Program 2021-2022 Members

Abigail B.       Freshman     North Gwinnett High School

Sofia C.          Freshman     Sprayberry High School

Zoë C.            Sophomore  Sprayberry High School

Mac C.              Senior            Riverwood International Charter School

Joey C.          Junior            St. Pius X Catholic High School

Zeke D.           Freshman     The Paideia School

Neil D.             Junior            The Westminster Schools

Shaan D.       Freshman     The Westminster Schools

Gavi D.           Sophomore  The Weber School

Nina D.           Senior            St. Pius X Catholic High School

Virgina E.       Sophomore  The Lovett School

Alex F.             Freshman     The Paideia School

Michelle G.    Sophomore  Tucker High School

Parker H.        Sophomore  Woodward Academy

Jane H.          Senior            Mount Vernon School

Sam J.           Sophomore  Chamblee Charter High School

Sanaa K.        Freshman     South Forsyth High School

Grace M.       Freshman     Johns Creek High School

Cait M.           Sophomore  The Walker School

Riley N.           Sophomore  The Lovett School

Nikhil P.          Freshman     Woodward Academy

Claire P.         Freshman     Johns Creek High School

Jazmin P.       Senior            Baylor School

Joe P.             Sophomore  St. Pius X Catholic School

Eva R.             Junior            DeKalb School of the Arts

Leila S.           Freshman     Community Christian School

Omkar T.       Junior            Lambert High School

Audrey T.       Sophomore  The Mount Vernon School

Ella W.            Freshman     Notre Dame Academy

Ameena W.   Junior            DeKalb School of the Arts

September: Pebble Tossers advocate for our elderly community

Our Elderly are some of the most overlooked and underappreciated members of our community. Currently, around one million Americans live in some type of senior living community, and that number is expected to double by the year 2030. Unfortunately, many family members do not live near their relatives and/or do not have adequate time to visit as often as possible. And during the COVID-19 pandemic, visits have been impossible. However, it is important to remember how amazing and important the older generation is in the lives of younger generations and how keeping those connections strong is beneficial to everyone. At Pebble Tossers we strive to make as many older members of our community feel needed and cherished. Not only does increased interaction brighten their lives, but it gives them the opportunity to instill wisdom on those volunteering. 

One organization worth noting is A.G. Rhodes Health and Rehab. A.G. Rhodes Health & Rehab participates in a weeklong camp called Generation Connect, where high school kids are paired with a senior citizen. They spend the entire week eating lunch with them, going to classes within the facility, and also bringing in career coaches for the kids. Lastly, the kids participated in a dementia simulation where they were better able to understand the physical effects of such a terrible disease. The kids developed a deeper sense of empathy for their older buddy and at the end of the week, they gave a report on their life. The expression on their faces as the kids explained their lives demonstrates how much this week means to them. A.G. Rhodes facilitates connection and relationships between vastly different generations. It is mutually beneficial as the elder feels connected to society and the teen learns more about the past along with nuggets of wisdom.

There are many other ways to brighten our Elderly populations’ day. This can include participating in a ”fur kids” event where a local shelter brings puppies into the assisted living center. It is scientifically proven that puppy therapy lowers stress and releases oxytocin in the brain. There is also “Toy Day” where kids bring in their favorite toy and introduce it to a member of the facility. The kids get to hear about toys from older generations and compare their interests. Then, the kids get a list of questions to ask their person so they can have a longer, more in-depth conversation. Talking about their lives helps seniors with memory longevity and processing emotions. We also have teens come in and educate seniors about technology so they can connect with family that may live further away. 

Overall, interacting with senior citizens is a mutually beneficial relationship. Volunteers learn to respect their elders and just walking through the door and being present brightens their day immensely. There is so much to be learned whether they are a family member or not; family history, historical world events, life lessons, generational culture, and much more. The transfer of knowledge between these generations is so important. There are many ways to start volunteering and below are a few organizations perfect for getting started: 

Highlighted Cause Area Organizations
A. G. Rhodes
Elmcroft Senior living
Mount Vernon Towers Elevated Senior Living
Trinka Davis Veterans Village

Benefits of Serving Goes Full Circle

It’s more than just hours: many serve for the smiles. Service equates to smiles! No matter the situation, when you walk into a room, someone smiling at you instantly helps you to feel at ease. That same smile offered to those whom we serve can make their day! When Pebble Tossers volunteered at My Sister’s House, two of the teens shared their experience in serving. They learned that you can do something as small as saying thank you and it can make someone’s day. Being a friendly face makes those in need feel at ease and, in turn, makes volunteers happy seeing them happy. Smiles come from knowing your actions and words helped someone. These smiles start a ripple of smiles and culminate in our tagline:- #startingarippleofgiving

Community service is commonly defined as voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. However, anyone who participates in community service understands that the benefits are not only one-sided. Serving the community is a mutually beneficial process; those served receive much-needed supplies and resources while those serving develop social and emotional skills that last a lifetime. Developing relationships with those in need teaches compassion, empathy, and brings communities closer. 

Communities enjoy benefits far beyond the financial aspects when youth contribute to service projects. Youth who volunteer just one hour or more a week are 50%  less likely to abuse alcohol, cigarettes, become pregnant, or engage in other destructive behavior. Youth who volunteer are more likely to do well in school, graduate, and vote ( Young people involved in community service are more likely to have a strong work ethic as an adult. When youth volunteer, adults tend to volunteer also, resulting in a lifelong volunteer community ( The community also gains a generation of young people who care about where they live and are willing to make a commitment to improvement. Teens say the benefits received from volunteering are: 

  • learning to respect others;
  • learning to be helpful and kind;
  • learning to understand people who are different;
  • developing leadership skills;
  • becoming more patient;
  • better understanding of citizenship. ( 

Overall, youth volunteerism in their communities is a tremendous win-win situation for the young volunteers, the organizations, and the communities they serve. The benefits are reaped now and in the future. 

More specifically, there are numerous volunteer opportunities that prove just how beneficial these interactions can be. Youth who work with the elderly develop a deeper sense of empathy for a generation they would otherwise be wholly separated from. It is mutually beneficial as the elder feels connected to society and the teen learns more about the past along with nuggets of wisdom. Volunteers learn to respect their elders, and just walking through the door and being present brightens their day immensely. There is so much to be learned whether they are a family member or not; family history, historical world events, life lessons, generational culture, and much more. The transfer of knowledge between these generations provides new perspectives and creates lasting relationships.

Those who volunteer within the education/literacy area are also able to develop an increased sense of empathy. They can put themselves in someone else’s shoes and begin to understand the diversity of childhoods present in their community first-hand. They develop gratitude for the opportunities they had growing up and connect with members of the community they may otherwise have had no communication with. Volunteering with animals is one of the most enjoyable forms of service. Kids love interacting with animals and animals thrive off of their high energy levels. It empowers and inspires individuals to influence their community in a positive way. The experience helps volunteers, especially young individuals, develop empathy and patience. Helping animals in turn gives back to the community as they are able to become stress relief and service animals to interact with individuals in need. The animals also become better socialized and are more likely to be adopted. 

Overall, it is essential to remember that volunteer work benefits both those serving and those being served. Keeping this in mind leaves both groups feeling respected and supported. The skills and developmental assets gained by people who volunteer translates to future benefits for them personally, professionally, and for society. Eighty-one percent of Americans who have volunteer experiences when they are young give to charitable organizations as adults ( Pebble Tossers is honored to play a part in such a special relationship that brings so much joy to communities experiencing hard times. As members of the Pebble Tossers family, we thank you for serving alongside us and inspiring those around you to get involved. It only takes one individual with a smile to inspire a ripple of giving. 

August: Pebble Tossers cares about improving Education and Literacy for our community! 

As our students head back to school, our cause area centers around education & literacy. Education is the backbone of any successful community as it is the gift that keeps on giving. When children are given the opportunity to flourish in school, they are then equipped to educate their community and loved ones, creating a beautiful chain of knowledge. Youth deserve to learn without impediments such as lack of resources and technology; all children should have equal access to high quality education. 

Did you know that one in four children in America grow up without learning how to read?* In addition, students who don’t read proficiently by the 3rd grade are four times more likely to drop out of school and over 70% of America’s inmates cannot read above a 4th grade level ( It is statistics like these that exemplify how important it is to improve education at a community level. Many schools have limited access to the internet and diverse libraries which greatly affects the quality of learning. For years past and to come, Pebble Tossers supports the education system of the greater Atlanta area in a number of ways. As our membership and volunteers continue to increase, our community is able to make a larger impact in the lives of underprivileged children. 

Pebble Tossers’ Book Nook program provides mini-libraries for four homeless shelters in Atlanta. The Book Nooks allow children to access new books on a monthly basis as we restock the books during Activity Nights. The children are encouraged to keep one favorite book to foster a love of reading. As children move on from the shelter, they will take the book with them as a gift. Studies show that children who grow up with an abundance of books tend to progress further in school. This will help develop a sense of responsibility and ownership in caring for their books.

Another imperative organization we work alongside is Breakthrough Atlanta. They are reaching out to youth from the greater Atlanta area’s BIPOC community to teach them about becoming an educator. This operation provides students with a wonderful opportunity to envision themselves as a teacher. Eventually, more underprivileged children will have access to educators that come from similar backgrounds, giving them someone who exemplifies their own potential to look up to. 

Teens and youth who volunteer within the education/literacy area are able to develop a sense of empathy. They can put themselves in someone else’s shoes and begin to understand the diversity of childhoods present in their community first-hand. They develop gratitude for the opportunities they had growing up and connect with members of the community they may otherwise have had no communication with. How to get started: 

Easy Action Steps:

  • Check out our education-related nonprofit partners
  • Volunteer as a tutor or to help a child read with one of our nonprofit partners 
  • Donate books to Pebble Tossers to restock our 4 mini-libraries at shelters
  • Dresden Elementary School Back to School Supplies Drive.
  • SCHOOL SUPPLIES ARE AN ONGOING NEED; Keep a look out for backpack and school supply drives every fall as well as individual donations based on ability

Highlighted Cause Area Organizations: 

*WriteExpress Corporation. “Literacy Statistics.” Begin to Read. Accessed April 16, 2014